Zigurd Mednieks

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Zigurd Mednieks


Zigurd Mednieks is a consultant to leading OEMs, enterprises, and entrepreneurial ventures creating Android-based systems and software. Previously he was Chief Architect at D2 Technologies, a voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology provider. There he led engineering and product definition work for products that blended communication and social media in purpose-built embedded systems and on the Android platform. He is lead author of Programming Android.

Zigurd is a 25 year veteran of user interface, telephony, and social media product creation in the computing and telecommunications industries. He co-authored Android Application Development, published by O'Reilly in 2009, writing chapters on telephony and inter-process communication. In 1986, his first book, C programming Techniques for the Macintosh, co-authored with his then wife-to-be Terry, was published by Howard W. Sams & Co. and went into several printings.